Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posting again. I don't have an excuse this time, I was just lazy. Sooo what's happened in the last week...Thursday I had a lecture and tutorial for my Environmental Policy and Law class. In my tutorial, my tutor told us that the class is really hard and that we will lose sleep and cry. So I'm super excited for that. Then Thursday night we went to dub-step night at Newport, which is a bar in Fremantle. There weren't a lot of people there but I had a tonnnn of fun - we danced like crazy people for hours, it was great. But, unfortunately there was no Dub-Step Santa (sorry Tom, Alex, and Lauren haha). Anyways, Friday I had lecture and then headed into Fremantle with Virginia, Caroline, Kathryn and Jocelyn (now you're not just the ambiguous girl who didn't put pictures up...happy?) and I got my nose pierced!! Woo!

 There you go, piercing and all. I'm kind of obsessed with it so I'm sure there will more pictures of it soon. Friday night we went into Northbridge. It was also a lot of fun, but kind of strange cause they had dress codes. Specifically, boys can't wear sneakers so pretty much all the guys we came with couldn't get into the bars/clubs. And you're not allowed to wear shorts or flip flops....strange. Oh well. Saturday Jocelyn and I went into Perth and did some shopping. I had to buy a new Ipod cause mine is broken, so that was an expensive day :(  But Perth was really nice and had lots of shops - some were really expensive so we had to find the affordable ones. OH! And one reason Australia is weird...we went to a coffee shop and I ordered a vanilla iced coffee. Normal, right? WELL they gave me a couple shots of coffee flavor, milk, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream....what?!? It was good and all but sooo weird.

Saturday we went to an aussie rules (footy) game. We saw the West Coast Eagles play the Richmond Tigers. I finally understand the game (kind of). It's pretty fun to watch, but also a little bizarre. Why do the refs through the balls in like this....?

It's a little weird. Are the players incapable of doing it themselves? Also, the refs look ridiculous. And where do they find all these enormous Australian people? Seriously...these guys are huge. Not only are they super strong, they are fast (and super in shape) and reallyyy tall.  The best part of the game is that they have people in bright yellow uniforms that run on and off the field delivering messages to the coaches and players. I don't understand why they need to do that, according to the fan sections Australians have no problem yelling.
Anyways...here is a picture of the field (pitch?)

andd some of the group that went to the game (Caroline, Zach, Kathryn, Jocelyn, me, Mike)

Well I best be going. Off to get ready to go to the bar :)
Also...everyone should listen to this song cause it's amazing



  1. your nose piercing looks AWESOME! jealous that i have a big fat italian nose that would look dumb pierced. you look so cute and happy :)

  2. ahhh nose piercing?! i want to see more pics! and btw i love the shout out :) and i played my co-workers example and they were not as obsessed with it as we are...
